Amory's teacher, Ms. Croft, was hired three days before school started. I am not kidding - three days! She had no time to prepare her classroom, prepare herself, or plan. She did a great job considering and the class put together a gift to say thank you for her!
It started with a book the students "wrote".
My room mom assistant and I took over the class during recess one day and had each child create a page for the book. I created the {white} page below and had the children fill in the blank. When assembling everything together I placed a school picture of each child with their page. Next time I do this I will leave a blank for them to write their name as well.
Along with the book I asked the children and parents to send in either five dollars or a five dollar gift card to help Ms. Croft do the activity they wrote in the book. We stuffed a beach bag with a towel, the gift cards, a toy for Molly (Ms.Croft's dog) who made a frequent appearance in the book, a candle to represent the wax museum, an overnight bag with lotion and soap for trips, and a Mickey Mouse plant stake to represent Disney.
I believe Ms. Croft will enjoy her jam packed summer! And I want to say thank you to all the teachers out there who give their time and energy to our kids!
Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day!

What a GREAT idea and I'm sure her teacher will love it!
What a sweet and thoughtful teacher gift, Kristin! One she will always remember!
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