I wanted to share with you the craft Amory made at MOMS Club created by me! A leprechaun face - mind you I created and cut these pieces out with my cricut at 7 am with no coffee - a huge feat for someone who is not a morning person.
The hat was made by cutting a 5 1/2 bottle top from the Doodlecharms cartridge (I cut the nipple off - ouch), a three inch circle for the face, and a handcut beard. Voila - leprechaun!

One of my FAVORITE things to do is go to garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets to look for old trims, buttons and images I can use in my scrapbooking. Amory and I went to an estate sale this morning and I b
ought a mystery shoe box of crafty stuff for $2. 

In this box was fifty yards of useable velvet ribbons, detailed trims, and lace. Also there was a necklace that was beautiful - imagine twenty strands of yellow seed pearls - slightly below collar length. There was also one vintage button card that was perfect - I can't wait to use it on a page!

1 comment:
That little leprechaun is too cute! What a great project for kids to do. You got a great box of fun stuff to use! I love fab finds like that!
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