Good afternoon everyone! The Let's Scrap blog Hop is over but all good things must come to an end. I wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you for hopping by, giving me some advice on liquid glue, and following my blog! Thank you also for nominating my blog for an award (wow), and all the sweet comments on my cards.
I think I am the winner truth be told! But really I must choose a winner for the scrappy goodies I am giving away. I put the numbers in and chose #64 who is Drue Peters!
I also wanted to show you a few more layouts I created with the sketches posted in the My Sketch World Sketch A Thon.
This first one of Amory and Grandpa Phil washing the truck together is dear to my heart. Well to be honest all the layouts I do with grandparents and my girls are special to me!
I used the sketch from Feb 13 - and then moved it around a bit!

Happiness is You & Me
I think I am the winner truth be told! But really I must choose a winner for the scrappy goodies I am giving away. I put the numbers in and chose #64 who is Drue Peters!
I also wanted to show you a few more layouts I created with the sketches posted in the My Sketch World Sketch A Thon.
This first one of Amory and Grandpa Phil washing the truck together is dear to my heart. Well to be honest all the layouts I do with grandparents and my girls are special to me!
I used the sketch from Feb 13 - and then moved it around a bit!
Happiness is You & Me
The next layout is of my oldest daughter, myself and both of the grandparents. We are all dressed up to go into the city to see Mama Mia. I used a title of a song from Mama Mia for my title and the lyrics of the song for the journaling.
I used the sketch from Feb. 11 - and didn't move things around ... much!
This next layout is of my littlest graduating from preschool. I will admit it was a total blubberfest! 'Nuf said!
I used the sketch from Feb. 15 - and turned it on its side and moved the title.
Reduced to Tears
Do you like these sketches? Me too! My Sketch World is having a design team call! I would love to have you join us in the forum and check us out! The Sketch a Thon is nearly over but there is always fun things happening! Here are the details on the design team call at My Sketch World:
My Sketch World Design Team CallFebruary 26th to March 15th * Design Team will be announced on March 18th
You need to register at My Sketch World Forum before you send in the application and we would like to get to know you during the call. Link to FORUM
Please include this with your creations:
MSW username
Email Address
Blog Link
Online Gallery links
Resume or list
whether you prefer the Card DT or the LO DT
Please Send us : 4 of your favorite layouts or cards that are based on my sketches. One has to be brand new and never been seen before. The other 3 can be older ones that have been seen.
I am looking for people that can create just layouts or cards but can also create ATC's, Altered Projects and Mini Albums with the sketches
The Design Team will be required to:
*Post on your blog your creations and events that will be going on at MSW
*Complete 1 or 2 layouts/cards per month using my sketches that I provide
*Host a DT Challenge every other month during your term
*Enthusiastically participate in our crops and contests
*Participate in Message Board and DT blog discussions
* Participate in Facebook MSW Page
*Leave praise in the gallery
*Post your DT creations on galleries and blogs throughout the web, whenever possible
*Help moderate the MB and alert the Admin if you find anything inappropriate
*Post our Design Team Blinkie in your signatures and also on your blog
Special Call:
Tutorial Designer- This will be a regular designer but will post two tutorials per month after the new sketch has been presented. The sketch will be used in a technique or tip with a step by step style tutorial. You are required to do all the items above plus post on the MSW blog and your blog.
Please answer these questions when you send in your application for this position
* What experience do you have in tutorials or set up for classes?
* What ideas you would like to do if you become a Tutorial designer or Facebook Designer?
* Are you Copic Certified?
Facebook Admin: You will be in charge of the MSW Facebook page, post every other day stuff that is going on the forum and post new sketches when it’s time. You will be also creating and posting your creations on the board and Facebook.
Please answer these questions when you send in your application for this position:
* Do you know how to manuver yourself around Facebook?
* Do you have a Facebook Page? Please post link
* How long have you been on Facebook? Are you active?
Our Message Board is our Special Home filled with wonderful women who come together for fun, inspiration, encouragement and support. As a DT member, you will need to be a highly visible asset on our MB and help to continue with the relationship building that makes our board so special.
This position is for a 6 month term starts April 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012
Please send your creations and information to Lucy at
Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day!

Looks like a really great sketch site with great sketches! And love your takes on the sketches :)
Wonderful job with the sketches Kristin!
Cute lo's!
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